Living My Legacy creates customized solutions for families to successfully transition wealth, stories, values, vision, and leadership from one generation to the next.

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One of the areas most families identify as a priority is to strengthen relationships and ensure the family stays connected for many generations. 


1 – Effective Communication – reach out often and when in a conversation be present (stop what you are doing and focus), listen to understand (not only long enough to reply), and be real.

If you only have a few minutes – not enough time for a call – send a text, Snapchat, or WhatsApp that let's them know you are thinking of them.  ie. “hope your day is ridiculously amazing.”

When you are in a conversation take the time to really listen, ask clarifying questions to truly understand before you respond or share your story.  Listen 80% of the time….

2 – Spend Quality Time with Each Other – make family get-togethers a priority and turn off the TV, put away phones/tablets so there can be multi-way conversations, play interactive games, and have FUN TOGETHER!

Get up and get going…instead of just catching up over a meal when the family is together – plan family activities like a "before dinner walk and talk" or a quick game of HORSE in the driveway or at the park.


3 – Invite Them All and Work with the Willing…AND DON’T LET ONE PERSON HOLD THE FAMILY’S PROGRESS  HOSTAGE.  

If you have an idea and a majority of the family is on board...go for it!   Get input, try different ideas, and make the move that makes the difference in YOUR FAMILY!

Be a role model by focusing on these 3 PRACTICE DRILLS to strengthen relationships within your family and create a strong foundation to help ensure your family stays connected for generations.